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Taking Care Of Antique Books

Result They dont like to be crowded either If you have an antique book or just want to keep your vintage books looking better longer these tips will help. Keep food and drinks away from the book In addition to the damage that can be caused by stains spills any small crumb or. Result Libraries and museums have perfected the art of book preservation working to prevent future damage and even reversing existing condition. Result Take proper care when handling books by Having clean hands and a clean area to use the book. 30 50 The most important factor here is that both the temperature and humidity remain as consistent as..


Result They dont like to be crowded either If you have an antique book or just want to keep your vintage books looking better longer these tips will help. Keep food and drinks away from the book In addition to the damage that can be caused by stains spills any small crumb or. Result Libraries and museums have perfected the art of book preservation working to prevent future damage and even reversing existing condition. Result Take proper care when handling books by Having clean hands and a clean area to use the book. 30 50 The most important factor here is that both the temperature and humidity remain as consistent as..

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